Our Consultation



Coillte has completed a public consultation on its strategic vision for its future forest estate.

Coillte’s new and ambitious vision aims to sustainably balance and deliver the multiple benefits of Ireland’s state forests across four strategic objectives: climate, nature, wood and people.

Members of the public were invited to submit their views on Coillte’s strategic vision and the results of this consultation may be found here.

We also have an open programme of consultation around both our Forestry and Land Solutions businesses.  Our plans are publically available and we invite members of the public and other interested parties to submit any comments they wish to make. Our Service User and Stakeholder Charter may be found here.

If you need to contact us please e-mail info@coillte.ie

Our consultation processes include

  • placing adverts in national and regional newspapers
  • posting consultation opportunities on our website
  • issuing mailshots to stakeholders
  • engaging with stakeholders
  • arranging one to one meetings with stakeholders on request with local representatives to facilitate feedback on plans and operations
  • considering comments/views raised during consultation so that where possible they are fed into our plans

View more specific information about the Land Solutions Engagement Process

View more specific information about Consultation on Forest Plans

Our Stakeholders

We consult widely with our stakeholders when preparing our forest management plans, policies and objectives.  Being a stakeholder means you will receive the following information,

  • updates about reviews of our management plans
  • consultation opportunities around those updates, which allows you to send your views/comments in to us for consideration

Our stakeholder list is used solely for consultation purposes.  Coillte is committed to protecting stakeholder privacy and to processing all personally identifiable information provided to the company in accordance with the principles of the Data Protection Act 1998.

If you wish to become a Coillte stakeholder, please fill in all the details in the consultation form here.

We specifically request that if you have an e-mail address that you could input it, as we are committed to environmentally friendly methods of communication.


Access to Information under AIE ~ 'Access to Information on the Environment'

Coillte is subject to Directive 2003/4/EC of the European Parliament and Council on Public Access to Environmental Information. This regulation provides that, subject to certain exceptions, information relating to the environment held by, or for, a public authority must be made available on request to any person. 

Accessing information from Coillte: 

The first place to check for Environmental Information is our website.  If what you need is not there, you can apply directly to us. 

When making a request for information under the European Communities (Access to Information on the Environment) Regulations 2007 to 2014 (S.I. No. 133 of 2007, S.I. No. 662 of 2011, S.I. 615 of 2014 and S.I. No. 309 of 2018), you are required to: 

  • State that the request is being made under the AIE Regulations
  • Submit it in writing by email or post 
  • Provide your name, address and contact details 
  • Specify the form and manner of access desired 
  • State clearly the environmental information that is requested. 


Getting Information

We respond to requests for information as quickly as possible.  The legislation requires us to do so not later than one month after the date of receipt but this timescale may occasionally have to be extended for a further month if the information requested is very extensive or if we have to consider whether or not providing it is in the public interest.

We will process your request more quickly if you can be as specific as possible about the information you want, as contacting you for clarification may add to the time we need to respond.  Please also tell us whether you want the information sent to you on paper or by email, and whether you have any particular requirements.

If you need any further guidance on information held by Coillte, you can contact  aie@coillte.ie


Coillte Apply a Schedule of Charges Associated with AIE Requests 

There is no charge for making an application under the AIE Regulations.  A public authority may charge a reasonable fee for supplying the information requested.

Coillte has set the following charges: -

€20.00 per hour for search, retrieval, compilation & copying

€0.04 per sheet for a black and white photocopy

€0.15 per sheet for a colour A4 copy

€2.50 per A3 coloured map

€10.00 for a CD-Rom


Details of charges will be advised as soon as possible. The full cost must be paid before the information is released. Please note an advance payment may be required to commence processing a Request which will be notified to the applicant as early as possible.  Coillte will reduce the rate to €6.00 per hour having regard to the means of the applicant (on production of evidence). Any personal data provided by a requester in this regard will be held in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


AIE Appeals Procedure

Internal Appeal

If you are dissatisfied with the response to your request for information, you have a right to have your request reviewed by someone other than the original recipient. In Coillte's case such an appeal can be forwarded to Nicola Wall, Coillte, Newtownmountkennedy, Co Wicklow.  Email:  aie@coillte.ie

 External Appeal

There is also a right of external appeal to the Office of the Information Commissioner who also oversees and enforces the Access to Environmental Act.


Useful Links: 

AIE Regulations - Department of Environment, Heritage & Local Government

Irish FOI Site  - Department of Finance

Data Protection Commissioner

AIE Disclosure Logs

Coillte has published a log of AIE requests received and the decision made, on each request, for 2023.

You can view the disclosure log at the following link.


AIE Overview 2021-2023

Over the past three years, there has been a significant increase in the number of Access to Information on the Environment (AIE) requests submitted, by the public, to public authorities*.

Following a review of the National AIE Statistics, from the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications, on the AIE Regulations 2007 to 2014, this increase in demand is limited to a small number of government departments.

The following departments reporting the largest increase include: -

  • Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine,
  • Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage and
  • Department of Environment Climate and Communications.

Following a review of all government departments, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine received 83% of AIE requests between 2021-2023. Separately Coillte, under the aegis of DAFM, also experienced a significant increase in the number of AIEs submitted.

Between 2021-2023** a small cohort of requesters to Coillte accounted for; -

  • 78% of the overall AIEs requests submitted,
  • 76% of the AIE requests that were internally appealed,
  • 65% of the AIE requests appealed to the OCEI.

The remaining requests received, originated from a wide range of media, business, interest groups and other stakeholders.


*The National Statistics referenced here are limited to government departments and do not include the AIE requests submitted to Local Authorities.

**Excludes AIEs submitted using alleged pseudonyms that are the subject of the Coillte/DAFM 2023 High Court case.


Current Consultation

To view our current consultation click here

Previous Consultation

To view our previous consultation click here