How do I find details of Coillte's Access Officers?
You can find all the details of Coillte’s Access Officers by simply clicking this link
How do I Purchase a Coillte Annual Pass?
In order for you to purchase a Coillte Annual Pass, please click into the following secure external site.
If you have any difficulties, please email accesscard@coillte.ie in relation to this issue and assistance will be provided.
How do I protect myself from Lyme's disease?
Lyme’s disease is a condition spread by ticks. The HSE has provided the advice contained in the link below to increase awareness of Lymes Disease and how to protect yourself when visiting the outdoors.
I have a Farm Partnership who do I contact?
In December 2017, Coillte have written letters to all of our farm partners directly.
We have also introduced a dedicated phone number as well which partners can use to phone us directly:
Please Phone: 01 905 5092 (Line operates between 9.00am to 4.30pm)
Alternatively if you have any other queries relating to your farm partnership, you can email us at, info@coillte.ie
Do Coillte plant trees for other growers or farmers?
No. Coillte are not involved in the private planting. Establishment contractors can be found on the internet.
If I want to make a complaint to Coillte what do I need to do?
As set out in Section 10 of Coillte’s Stakeholder and Service User Charter, if you are not satisfied with our engagement with you in relation to any matter, please contact us via info@coillte.ie.
Upon receipt of your correspondence staff will issue you with a Stakeholder Complaint Form which should be completed and returned to us along with all supporting information, such as copies of correspondence (emails etc), or any other relevant documentation.
Where can I find information about planting my own land with trees or about farm partnerships with Coillte?
Coillte have a new scheme for Farm Partnerships with private landowners known as Premium Partners. Coillte Premium Partners is a new and innovative partnership that gives private forest owners the opportunity to earn an annual, fixed payment from their forests while retaining ownership of their land . You can find more information on the Premium Partners Scheme on this website.
If you would like to plant your own land, the Forest Service run a number of Forest schemes such as the Afforestation Scheme, Forest Roads Scheme, Woodland Improvement (Thinning and Tending Scheme), Seed Stand and Seed Orchard Scheme, Neighbourwood Scheme and Native Woodland Conversation Scheme.
Further information is available from the Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Johnstown Castle, Co. Wexford, Y35 PN52. Phone (053) 9163400 or email forestservice@agricutrue.gov.ie or visit their website at www.agriculture.gov.ie
When does the Coillte Forest Graduate Programme open and how do I apply?
The Coillte Forest Graduate Programme offers talented individuals the opportunity to be part of the future of Coillte. Information regarding the programme open dates and the process for applying can be found on our Forestry Graduate Programme page.
Do Coillte facilitate student placements or transition year work experience?
Yes, Coillte Forest try to accommodate student placements and transitions year work experience across its’ business where possible. The process of applying for such positions is outlined on our Opportunities for Students page.
Where do I send a CV?
Please see the application details listed at the bottom of each advertisement for information on where applications should be sent to.
Where do I find information about jobs in Coillte?
All current open vacancies for Coillte Group are listed on our vacancies page. If there are no jobs listed, there are currently no vacancies. Please note, we no longer accept unsolicited CVs or speculative job applications. All job applications should be in reference to an advertised vacancy.
Can I please have my millennium certificate re-issued?
Unfortunately Coillte cannot issue certificates.
Can you please help me to locate my millennium tree?
The plan for the future of the Millennium Forests is that the family tree grid signs will be removed. This is because the trees planted in each grid are growing very fast and merging together into juvenile thickets in their ongoing development towards a native woodland ecosystem.
Each household will still be able to find which forest their tree was planted in but because of the natural processes towards the evolution of a mature native woodland community, it is not possible to locate individual trees.
Please visit the website Millennium Forest for more information.
I would like to access information relating to the Millennium Forest tree planting scheme. Can you help?
Yes, you can view all information regarding the People’s Millennium Forest on its website.
Are harvesting operation allowed during Summer months?
In some cases, yes. All tree harvesting and replanting operations (thinning and clearfell) may only occur once a felling licence has been obtained. The felling licence is granted by the Forest Service of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and this gives consent for tree harvesting and replanting operations to occur in these areas, even during the Summer months.
In areas that may be environmentally sensitive the Forest Service may seek additional information or add conditions to the licence.
Why are there trees left standing in forests after harvesting operations?
The trees that are left standing, and those on the ground are called deadwood. The issue of forest deadwood removal can be a complex one. There are very good reasons in fact to leave deadwood in a forest after forest operations. These are primarily down to two key factors – the first is for biodiversity and nature conservation reasons. While forest deadwood looks untidy it provides food, habitat and shelter to a variety of plants, animals and fungi which in turn are preyed upon by other animal groups.
The second main reason is also nutrient retention and site fertility. On second rotation forest sites (where trees have been removed and are about to be replanted) the nutrients remaining in the deadwood often means that no fertiliser input is required to establish the crop. Therefore, deadwood plays an important role here. Having said that there are forest sites where deadwood is harvested and used for energy production. This is often known as brash bundling – where the residue is gathered and then removed from site. Before this can happen, the sites have to be selected according to specified criteria such as fertility, soil stability, etc. to ensure that the removal will not adversely affect future forest rotations.
Can I hunt in Coillte forests?
Yes, but you will require a hunting permit. Coillte offers these permits through a tender system which is advertised on our website. Hunting is totally prohibited without a permit. Please view our permit & licences section for more information.
What should we do in the event of an emergency?
In the event of an emergency you should contact the following numbers :-
If an accident happens in a remote area please contact the local Gardaí on 999 or 112. They will contact the Mountain Rescue or similar emergency services.
Can I use an off-road vehicle in Coillte forests?
No. Off-road vehicles are not allowed to be used in our forests and are currently banned under Coillte’s bye-laws.
Is swimming allowed on lakes and rivers in Coillte forests?
Coillte make no recommendation on where to swim or not to swim on it’s lands. It is entirely the swimmers decision to enter water to swim. Where there are known hazards, Coillte will endeavour to inform the visitor where these exist. But any decision to swim lies with the recreational user only. It is also the responsibility of the swimmer to inform themselves of any local or known hazards.
Do you charge for car parking at your forest recreation sites?
Coillte charge for car parking at it’s forest parks. If you are a regular visitor to our forest parks, an annual access card is available for €40. This card allows you to access all of our forest parks every day, year-round and is available to purchase on our website here.
Access free of charge is provided at in excess of 200 recreation forest areas nationwide.
You can find more details and locations on Coillte’s forest parks and network of nationwide recreational areas here.
Are there opening and closing times at your forests?
Some forests areas near large centres of population may have a specific closing time. This will be posted on our website. After dark, forests near large centres are not recommended as places that people should be in for a variety of reasons. We would ask all visitors to respect the signs, adhere to the closing times and vacate the forest before those times for their own safety.
Can we camp in Coillte forests?
Yes in selected limited locations only. We have two caravan and camping parks (Lough Key and Curragh Chase Forest Parks).
There are 5 designated ‘wild camping’ spots. Note that ‘wild camping’ areas are identified to facilitate long-distance hikers and can be used for an overnight stops part of a multi-day trek. There are guidance notes for their use listed here: Website – Wild Camping Notice
For camping with scouts, guides or youth groups you should apply for a permit through our permit & licences section of our website.
Can we fish on various lakes in the Forest?
Yes. We allow fishing at lakes and rivers in the forests. However, you will need to have a license if stated by the Fisheries Authority. You should confirm with your local Fisheries Board if a license is required.
Can I ride my horse in the Forest?
You can only ride your horse in the forest if you have a permit to do so. Otherwise horse riding is prohibited. Please go to our permit & licences section of the website for further information.
What activities require permits?
Permits are required for the activities listed in the dropdown box on permit & licences section of our website.
Can I bring a large group to the Forest?
Yes. However, you may need a permit and you should use our website to obtain such a permit. You can apply through our permits & licences section of our website.
Are there bins in the Forest?
We do not provide bins in our forest or recreation sites. We expect all visitors to bring their rubbish home in line with the Leave No Trace message. So please keep our forests clean and take your rubbish home and dispose of it properly. This also applies to dog waste – use a biodegradable bag to collect it, bring it home and dispose of it appropriately.
How do I know I will be able for a cycle trail?
All our cycling trails are graded and this grading system is explained on our website. Trails are designed to give cyclists varying levels of challenge from family cycling to difficult. Check under our activities section for more information.
Can I cycle in the Forest?
Yes. You can cycle in special designated areas or where you see the cyclists welcome sign – please check our website for details of mountain bike trails
How do I know how far or how difficult the hiking/walking trail is?
We have graded all our trails multi access, easy, moderate and strenuous and rated all the trails across the country. We also give the length, expected time, expected climb and identify whether the trail is linear or loop.
What happens to Coillte land after a clear fell?
After a clear fell Coillte the establishment team (they plant new forests) will quickly assess the site for replanting and, generally, within a year the brash (residue) will be cleared from the site and cultivation complete for replanting.
It generally takes two to three years for the forest to “green up” and the rotation (forest cycle) to begin again. The opening up of new areas through clear felling and subsequent replanting adds to the biodiversity of the forest, creating new habitats for mammals and birds.
Young vigorous forests are also excellent carbon sinks soaking up carbon dioxide – a greenhouse gas. Coillte is committed to sustainable forest management and maintaining a sustainable yield of timber.
Can Coillte please donate a tree/trees to our school/community?
Coillte donate over 15,000 trees during Tree Week which the Tree Council of Ireland coordinates each year. The trees are distributed to schools, local authorities, resident committees, etc.
Please contact the Tree Council to see how you can be included.
I have found a pearl mussel, what should I do?
Finding a pearl mussel is great. You may or may not be aware they are endangered in Ireland and almost extinct across Europe. The best people to give information about this would be your local National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) conservation ranger.
The NPWS in Ireland work with rare species and habitats and would be interested in your discovery. NPWS and Coillte also work together on implementing measures to ensure forestry practices protect populations of freshwater pearl mussel. You can find a list of NPWS conservation rangers located throughout the country on their website.
I have a business proposal I would like to discuss with you. Who do I speak to?
Coillte welcomes and receives many proposals from individuals/groups each year and require that these proposals are presented in written format, including detail of the proposal, resourcing, management, maintenance (if appropriate) and experience of the individual/group/outdoor provider in the relevant area.
The more detail provided at an initial stage, the better placed we will be to assess the proposal. Coillte are not in a position to discuss ideas without this information. Once your business proposal is complete please forward it to info@coillte.ie where it will be directed to the relevant business area within the company.
How do I gain work experience or seek employment with Coillte?
Coillte facilitates formal work experience for a number of second level students each year. This work experience gives students the opportunity to experience what work is like and explore options for possible future careers.
Coillte also offers an internship programme for third level students across its business divisions, allowing students to integrate theory with practical work experience while assisting businesses with work. For more information on these opportunities please view our careers section.
I would like to purchase plants / saplings - can you help?
The Online Directory on FORESTRY.IE https://www.forestry.ie/directory provides contact details of nurseries nationwide who should be able to meet your requirements.
Coillte no longer sell plants to the general public. Coillte only supply plants through contracts, involving large numbers over a fixed time. If your request is for a large number of plants or seeds, please contact our nurseries section by e-mailing nurseries@coillte.ie.
Can you give me details of tree surgery services?
The Online Directory on FORESTRY.IE https://www.forestry.ie/directory provide contact details of tree surgeons throughout Ireland.
Coillte no longer provide tree surgery services.
I would like information about Coillte’s policy on chemical spraying. Can you help?
Coillte are fully committed to responsible forest management and are certified to both the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®)¹ and Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Management Schemes (PEFC)2 standards of sustainable forest management.
Chemicals are primarily used in forestry in Ireland at the time of forest establishment (tree planting) to protect young trees from insect damage and competing vegetation. Coillte have a programme in place to reduce the amount of chemicals used in our forest management and use only two main chemicals; one to protect young trees from insect damage and the other to control vegetation.
Coillte only use chemicals that are registered and approved for use in forestry in Ireland by the Pesticide Registration and Controls Divisions (PRCD) and the Pesticide Control Laboratory of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM). The PRCD are responsible for implementing the regulatory system for plant protection products and chemicals such as insecticides. In addition the chemicals are also approved for use in forestry in Ireland under derogation from the Forest Stewardship Council.
Please follow this link for more information on Coillte’s use of chemicals in forestry Click here
¹FSC licence code: FSC-C005714. 2PEFC licence code: PEFC/17-23-042
I would like to discuss the activities of timber haulage lorries in my area. Can you help?
We are happy to see if we can help. Please e-mail details of your issue relating to timber haulage to info@coillte.ie and we will be in touch with you shortly.
What do I do if I encounter anti-social behaviour in a Coillte forest?
If you encounter anti-social behaviour please dial 999 and report to the Gardaí. A Garda representative will record the necessary details and contact relevant Coillte staff.
You can also call our dedicated line on 1890800455 to report such incidents.
I need to report a forest fire. Who do I call?
If you need to report a forest fire please dial 999 and ask for Fire Services. You will be put through to one of the national call centres who will record the necessary details and contact the local Forest Manager or dial our dedicated line at 1890800455.
I am having trouble using my access card for car parking?
We are sorry to hear this. Please e-mail accesscard@coillte.ie in relation to this issue and assistance will be provided.
Why do Coillte charge for car parking at its forest parks?
Coillte charges for car parking at some of our forest parks and all of the money generated is spent directly on the upkeep and maintenance of these areas. At most of our forest parks, Coillte provide family cycle trails, numerous looped walks, children’s playgrounds, toilets, cross-country cycle trails (at some parks), arboreta, visitor information and way-marking, all of which require maintenance on an ongoing basis. We use the car-parking fees to help defray these annual maintenance costs.
If you are a regular visitor to our forest parks, an annual access card is available for €40. This card allows you to access all of our forest parks every day, year-round and is available to purchase on our website.
I would like details of plans you have for Coillte lands in my area. Can you help?
Yes, details of Coillte’s planned operations in your area are available. Every five years a review of strategic plans in each of our Business Area Units (BAUs) is carried out. You can access the strategic plans for 2016-2020 on our website.
I would like to access a Coillte property for film / TV purposes. Can you help?
Yes, our forests are often used for film and TV purposes and have provided beautiful back-drops to many in this area of work.
Please e-mail Coillte at info@coillte.ie providing your details along with the location (nearest townland, co-ordinates) you need to access and we will be in touch regarding your request.
Can I keep bees in your forest?
Bee keeping is allowed on Coillte properties, subject to approval by local management. To arrange this please apply for a permit through our permits & licence section of our website.
You must provide a copy of your insurance with The Federation of Irish bee keeping Association also.
Can I light a barbeque in the forest?
Yes. In specific designated areas Coillte allows people to light barbeques. However, we ask that in dry periods you avoid lighting barbeques as these can be a source of forest fires which can cause considerable damage to forests and wildlife. Please remember to make sure that all the ash is disposed of properly and that the ash is out before depositing in bins. Please use the barbeque sites correctly and do not place instant barbeques on outdoor furniture as damage may occur.
Can I bring my dog to the forest?
Yes. Forests are great places to walk your dog. However, remember that other visitors use the forest and they may not be as fond of your dog as you are and dogs can also cause disturbance to wildlife and livestock on adjoining farmland. Therefore, you must be aware of what your dog is doing in the forest and be sure that they are under effective control. Effective control means that your dog will come at your command, if not your dog must to be kept on a lead.
A restricted or controlled breed of dog under the relevant Acts must be kept on a lead and muzzled when in a public place. We notify the local Gardaí of incidents where reports of non-compliance occur and it would be helpful if members of the public do likewise.
What is "Leave no Trace"?
Coillte advocates ‘Leave No Trace’ as our user behaviour code while visiting our forests. Leave No Trace is an educational approach to visitor behaviour and is endorsed by all major public landowners and practically all representative user groups in Ireland. Its principle is that everyone takes responsibility for their actions while visiting our forests, thereby ensuring the protection of our forests and natural environment while being mindful of the enjoyment of others.
For more information visit the Leave no Trace website.
Is access allowed to all Coillte property?
Access on foot is allowed to virtually all of our forest estate of over 1,000,000 acres. Coillte is very proud of our Open Forest policy. Small areas may be restricted from time to time for Health and Safety and other operational reasons or for biodiversity and nature conservation. We ask all visitors to heed all warning signs or employee directions – they are there to protect you and our forests.
Can I collect wood from your forest?
No, Coillte do not allow the collection of wood from our forests. For health and safety, insurance and security reasons, members of the public, or any unauthorised persons are not permitted to gather or cut wood in Coillte forests.
Does Coillte have sites for housing for sale?
Yes, we do sell sites for one off housing. Our Commercial Team manage our property sales and have a nationwide portfolio of sites for sale. These sites are suitable for one off development opportunities as well as for large scale projects. Please contact a member of our team to discuss further.
Does Coillte sell land?
Yes, we do sell lands for a variety of uses. We have an expert team who deal in both property sales, purchases and leases. Please consult our sales team who will be happy to help you.
For more information visit our Land section
Does wind energy really help reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
Yes, wind energy plays a huge part in helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Ireland is moving toward a greener, more sustainable energy future based on reduced fossil fuel imports, lower CO2 emissions and enhanced energy security. Coillte supports this energy transition. As previously set out above, to achieve this, Ireland has set a target of producing 40% of all electricity needs from renewable sources by 2020.
Please view our energy renewable section for more information
What impact does wind farm development on the Coillte estate have on Coillte’s Open Forest Policy?
Coillte’s Open Forest Policy is maintained on all wind farm sites. In order to protect public health and safety during construction, Coillte may need to temporarily suspend it’s Open Forest Policy to members of the public where a wind farm is being constructed on the Coillte estate. When such circumstances arise, it is Coillte’s policy to provide alternative routes or mitigation measures during the construction period, wherever possible. Coillte will ensure that, where necessary, traffic control measures are put in place throughout the course of the construction works period.
Coillte may provide alternative walking routes which will be way marked prior to construction work commencing in order to maintain access to Coillte managed forests. Alternatively, Coillte will recommend alternative walking routes in near‐by Coillte forests. Following the construction period, forest tracks are upgraded to a higher standard where enhanced walkways are often the result.
Why is Coillte involved in wind energy?
Coillte is involved in wind energy because we are committed to the development of sustainable energy in Ireland, as we move towards a sustainable future with enhanced energy security. As the largest provider of high quality sites to the renewable energy sector, Coillte has made a significant contribution to Ireland’s 2020 target of achieving 40% of its electricity consumption from renewable sources. Coillte is fully aligned with government and EU policy in terms of the role we play in relation to wind energy development in Ireland. Coillte supports proper planning and sustainable development, and we believe that wind energy has an important contribution to make to the social, environmental and economic pillars of sustainability.
Where can I obtain information about planting a commemorative tree?
The Tree Council of Ireland have a Family Tree Scheme that you may wish to avail of. Please follow the link below for further details http://treecouncil.ie/initiatives/family-tree-scheme/contact-form/
Alternatively, The Native Woodlands Trust operate a scheme allowing people to sponsor a tree. Please use the link below to access further information in relation to this http://www.nativewoodlandtrust.ie/en/sponsor-a-tree
Can a Representative from Coillte give a talk or presentation to our group/class ?
Please note that Coillte do not give talks to individuals/groups. Our formal efforts in the educational area are limited to National Tree Day which is aimed at primary school students and takes place in October in association with the Tree Council of Ireland and some other local initiatives we take part in at national school level.
However, the Tree Council of Ireland have an education section on their website where you can print off workbooks and information material. In addition, the Forest Service at the Department of Agriculture have posters with tree species information. The IPCC (Irish Peatland Conservation Council) also have good information about conservation especially on peatland habitats.
Can I Buy Firewood from Coillte
Firewood production by Coillte arises as a by-product of tree harvesting.
Consequently, the availability and supply of firewood is not always guaranteed.
The minimum order is one lorry load.
If you have a queries relating to Firewood please email firewoodsales@coillte.ie
Can Coillte donate a Christmas Tree?
Coillte no longer supply Christmas Trees.
Please contact your local supplier who may be able to faciltate you.
Where can I buy a Christmas tree?
Coillte no longer manage Christmas tree depots directly.
Christmas trees may be bought from local suppliers nationwide.