Forest Certification
Coillte's Commitment
Coillte is committed to carrying out its operations in full compliance with all applicable laws, directives and regulations, as well as voluntary external accredited forest certification schemes to which Coillte subscribe. Coillte comply with two forest management certification schemes, namely FSC® (FSC-C005714) - (Forest Stewardship Council®), and PEFC (PEFC/17-23-242) - (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification).
Both FSC and PEFC forest management certification schemes are independent schemes which audit and inspect forest managers to ensure their work meets strict forest management standards against social, economic and environmental criteria.
Certification of Coillte’s forest estate is an independently verified way in which we demonstrate to stakeholders and customers that its natural resource management practices are economically, socially and environmentally responsible.
Coillte is audited each year for the following certifications
- FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification of responsible forest management
- PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) certification of sustainable forest management
- ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS)
- ISO 50001 Energy Management System (EnMS)

About FSC
FSC is an independent, non-governmental, not-for-profit organization established to promote the responsible management of the world’s forests. Established in 1993 as a response to concerns over global deforestation, FSC is a pioneer forum where the global consensus on responsible forest management convenes and through democratic process effects solutions to the pressures facing the world’s forests and forest-dependent communities. FSC certification provides a credible link between responsible production and consumption of forest products, enabling consumers and businesses to make purchasing decisions that benefit people and the environment as well as providing ongoing business value. FSC is nationally represented in more than 50 countries around the world.
Coillte has retained FSC certification since 2001, FSC Certification Registration code: SA-FM/COC -000706.
Read more about FSC
About PEFC
The PEFC is an international non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) through independent third-party certification.
PEFC works throughout the entire forest supply chain to promote good practice in the forest and to ensure that timber and non-timber forest products are produced with respect for the highest ecological, social and ethical standards. Thanks to its eco-label, customers and consumers are able to identify products from sustainably managed forests.
PEFC is an umbrella organization. It works by endorsing national forest certification systems developed through multi-stakeholder processes and tailored to local priorities and conditions.
With 38 endorsed national certification systems and more than 300 million hectares of certified forests, PEFC is the world's largest forest certification system.
Coillte has been PEFC certified since 2014,Certificate Registration Code: SA-PEFC-FM/COC-000706.
Read more about PEFC
Learn more about PEFC Ireland

About ISO 45001
Coillte has also secured ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) 45001:2018 certification for its health and safety management system. Our Registration Number is 45.0778.
ISO 45001 is an internationally applied standard for occupational health and safety management systems to help organisations put in place effective systems of health and safety management.
You can read more about Coillte’s ISO certification by clicking on our Health and Safety Policy.
About ISO 50001
Coillte was awarded ISO 50001:2018 Certification for its Energy Management Systems (EnMS) in January 2022.
The attainment of this certification confrims that Coillte's EnMS is implemented in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 50001 standard and can achieve Coillte's energy policy and objectives.
Achieving ISO 50001 Certification was one of Coillte's strategic objectives. It provides a framework for the Coillte Group to deliver on the Government's planned targets to 2030; namely a 51% carbon reduction and 50% energy efficiency improvement.
You can read more about Coillte’s ISO 50001 Certification by clicking on our Energy Policy.