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Construction works to begin for Avondale house and forest park redevelopment. 

May, 10, 2021: Construction works to begin for Avondale house and forest park redevelopment.  Coillte, in partnership with Fáilte Ireland, are pleased to announce the commencement of construction works to re-develop Avondale Forest Park and House into a state-of-the-art visitor destination in the coming weeks. With the lifting of Covid-19 restrictions on non-essential construction the &hellip

Public Consultation on Coillte’s Avondale House and Forest Park Redevelopment, Friday June 15th

Coillte in partnership with Failte Ireland are delighted to announce plans for a redevelopment of Avondale House and Forest Park. Cooney Architects and their Associates have been commissioned to conduct a comprehensive Interpretation and Visitor Experience Plan for Avondale House and Forest Park. As this year-long project draws to an end you are invited to &hellip

Coillte’s Curragh Chase Forest Park Successful at RDS Forestry Awards

Coillte’s Curragh Chase forest park was voted the winner of the National RDS forestry awards under the Multipurpose Forestry category. The Multipurpose Forestry category is open to individuals and organisations that are expanding or developing existing or new forest habitats through natural and environmentally sensitive methods. Judges will take into account the planning and management &hellip