Delivering the multiple benefits of our forests for climate, nature, wood and people
Coillte Scholarship 2025 Applications Now Open
Applications for the 2025 Coillte Scholarship Programme are now open

Forests for a Greener Future
Forests have an important role to play in the achievement of Ireland’s Climate Action targets. That’s why at Coillte, we manage our forests sustainably, to help combat climate change, to supply wood and wood products for building low- carbon homes, to enhance and restore biodiversity, and to provide beautiful places for people to enjoy.
We are focused on balancing and delivering the multiple benefits of our forests, for climate, nature, wood, and people, ensuring that, working together, we are delivering a greener future for all.

Forests for People
Welcome to Ireland’s largest outdoor playground! Coillte is responsible for 440,000 hectares of forests and lands, including wild bogs, mountains, rivers and beautiful beaches – all waiting to be explored and enjoyed!

Forests for Climate
Forests help reduce climate change effects by reducing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and providing wood products that can substitute high carbon alternatives.

Forests for Wood
Coillte is Ireland’s largest producer of certified wood, a natural, renewable and sustainable resource used to build our homes.

Forests for Nature
Forests are home to some of our most important wild plants, animals and habitats, so for us forest management, and biodiversity management go hand in hand.

About Coillte
Our mission is to deliver the multiple benefits of our forests to society.

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