The Tree Council of Ireland and Coillte Kick-Off Ireland’s National Tree Week 2022
What Wood We Do Without Trees?
The Tree Council of Ireland and Coillte Kick-Off Ireland’s National Tree Week 2022 in the Botanic Gardens
- President of the Tree Council of Ireland and broadcaster Eanna Ní Lamhna and renowned tree expert Thomas Pakenham were joined by guests to announce the launch of National Tree Week 2022
- This year’s theme is ‘More Forests for a Greener Future’ and aims to raise awareness of the many benefits of forests and the important role they play in delivering a sustainable future for all.
- Tree Week 2022 will have a whole host of community-based events including interesting tree talks and enjoyable tree tours.
Sunday, 20th March 2022:
National Tree Week 2022 kicked off this afternoon, Sunday, March 20th, in the Botanic Gardens, Dublin with a ceremonial tree planting by the president of the Tree Council of Ireland Eanna Ní Lamhna and a guest lecture by arboriculturist, founder, and chairman of the Irish Tree Society Thomas Pakenham in front of an invited audience. Running from Sunday 20th March until Saturday 26th March, this year’s theme is ‘More Forests for a Greener Future’ which aims to highlight the many benefits of forests for Ireland’s climate and biodiversity agendas, for green recreation spaces and sustainably grown wood.
National Tree Week sees events organised across the country celebrating all things trees! From the more hands-on community tree planting experiences to taking some time out to learn how to tell your oak tree from your birch tree at tree identification talks – there is something for everyone on the Programme of Events available on Some of these exciting events include:
For the curious
March 20th (and daily during National Tree Week) – University College Cork, Co. Cork, Explore the ArbNet-accredited University College Cork Arboretum (botanical garden of trees) by taking part in their new self-guided tour. With incredibly impressive trees in this collection, this tour is supported by Science Foundation Ireland through the ‘Tree Explorers’ project.
For the future-focused
March 21st – Ticknock Forest, Dublin, To celebrate International Day of Forests and National Tree Week 2022, Karen Woods from Coillte Nature will lead a stroll through Ticknock Forest to talk about the ongoing Dublin Mountains Makeover Project.
For the inspired
March 26th – Letterkenny, Co. Donegal, With the support of Tidy Towns Committee members, tree planting is taking place in five community areas across Letterkenny – with lots of opportunities for locals to get involved.
For the creative
March 22nd – Rhode, Co. Offaly, Take some time out to enjoy everything trees! From interesting tree walks and identifications to fun tree art and tree poetry – there is something for everyone at this event.

National Tree Week is an ideal time to learn more about the important role trees play in helping to stop climate change by removing carbon dioxide from the air, storing carbon in the trees and soil, and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere.
The Tree Council of Ireland and Coillte are encouraging people from every corner of Ireland to get involved. President of the Tree of Council of Ireland, Eanna Ní Lamhna explained:
“It’s great to have the people of Ireland come out once again in their communities and celebrate the beautiful benefits trees have to offer. Trees are one of the most important resources we have to tackle climate change. Tree Week is all about communities coming together to celebrate trees. If you are thinking of getting involved, we would encourage you to do so with simple activities like hosting walks, discussions, or community planting. These important events we hope will encourage everyone to play their part in planting more trees for a greener future.”
Coillte CEO Imelda Hurley added:
“Coillte is delighted once again to sponsor National Tree Week and to support the events across Ireland. Tree Week gives people the opportunity to learn more about the importance of trees and their important contribution to Ireland’s climate and biodiversity agendas. We’d encourage people to check out the list of events happening across the country and to get involved in what promises to be a fun week of tree-based activities for families to enjoy.”
Since the creation of Tree Week in 1985, and later partnering with Coillte in 1989, National Tree Week has been responsible for planting half a million trees in Ireland. To facilitate the supply, distribution and planting of trees, Coillte works hand in hand with the Tree Council of Ireland and supplies trees to county councils and communities nationwide.
To find out about events happening in your area and to get involved, please visit
For all media queries or to arrange an interview with a relevant spokesperson, please contact; Pearse Corcoran at Carr Communications / 087 448 1350/01 772 8900.
*Photos to be syndicated by Robbie Reynolds.
About the Tree Council of Ireland
The Tree Council is an umbrella body for organisations involved in tree planting, management and conservation. The main role of the Tree Council is to promote the planting, care and enjoyment of trees. The Tree Council aims to educate the public through the organisation of events and tree-related activities, the publication of literature, the management of national tree records and through the provision of an information service to the public.
About Coillte
Coillte Ireland’s state forestry company which is responsible for managing over one million acres of primarily forested lands. Coillte is the nation’s largest forester and provider of outdoor recreation space. It also enables wind-energy on the estate, processes forestry by-products and undertakes nature rehabilitation projects of scale. Coillte delivers the multiple benefits of forestry, including forests for climate, for nature, for wood and for people.
To find out more visit