Coillte Asks Public to be Vigilant and Exercise Care as National Forest Fire Warning in Place

Tuesday 14th May 2019: The Department of Agriculture has issued an ORANGE alert warning for forest fires to this Friday 17th May due to current dry conditions and forecast high temperatures.
Arising from current Easterly high pressure weather conditions, forecast high temperatures and low relative humidity levels, a High Fire Risk exists in all areas where hazardous fuels such as gorse, heather, dried grasses and other dead vegetation exist.
Fire risk is likely to be highest in westernmost areas with lowest expected humidity levels in coming days. Fire behaviour may be moderated somewhat by increasing live growth content in fuels and generally low ambient windspeeds during the lifespan of this notice. South Western areas may experience significant windspeeds in excess of 20km/h at times.
Forest fires pose a serious health and safety risk to the public and to people working in the forest sector. They are very difficult to control and put firefighters and forest personnel at great risk in their efforts to extinguish them.
They cause widespread ecological and environmental damage to wildlife and to habitats that can take years to recover from, especially at this time of the year when many birds and other animals are raising their young.
They also cost significant amounts of money to Coillte and private forest owners; in the costs of operations to control the blaze, in the loss of the value of the standing timber and the additional costs in managing and replanting the burnt areas.
With the Forest Fire weather warning in place, Coillte asks people to remain vigilant and report any fires they see to the local fire brigade.
Coillte recommend the following steps to prevent forest fires at this time
- DO NOT light fires and be careful of all activity involving fires
- REPORT any suspicious activity you may observe
- REPORT any forest fires you see to local fire brigade
- DO NOT approach forest fires under any circumstance, they are extremely dangerous
- KEEP access points and forest entrances clear for emergency services
About Coillte
Coillte is a commercial forestry company, owned by the State, that manages approximately 7% of the country’s land. Coillte operate three strong businesses from this land – their core forestry business, a wood panels manufacturing business MEDITE SMARTPLY and a land solutions business. Coillte export to over 30 countries worldwide and in the financial year 31 December 2018 generated EBITDA of €115 million. Coillte’s vision is to be the best forestry and land solutions company in Europe. To find out more visit