New Native Woodlands at Tibradden: Upcoming Harvesting
At Tibradden, 4 hectares of the forest is being harvested with works starting from Weds 7th December and continuing for 4 - 6 weeks.
The spruce trees were planted back in the early 1980s and are now reaching maturity and this area will be replanted with native Irish woodland. There are a few scattered European larch trees which will be kept to provide habitat and structure within the new woodland. Some of the spruce tree trunks will be left standing to provide dead wood for the Great spotted woodpecker and other birds, animals and insects.
The new native woodland will be planted with a groups of Sessile oak, Scots pine and birch, and a small amount of rowan, hawthorn and whitebeam mixed throughout. Given there are lots of deer in the area, a deer fence will be erected to protect the newly planted native trees.
Please take care if you visit while works are taking place!
- Follow all safety signage and temporary diversions.
- Watch out for timber lorries.
- Don’t climb on the stacks of logs along the side of the road.
This work is part of the Dublin Mountains Makeover which will see an area of over 900 hectares across nine Coillte forests transitioning away from commercial forestry, to be managed for recreation, biodiversity and climate.