Raheens Wood
07.02.25 This site is currently closed due to recent storm damage. Please bear with us as we work to re-open the site as quickly as possible.
A woodland of circa 33.0 hectares of which 23.5 is classified as old woodland dating back to around 1840. The wood is considered to be a very good example of a semi-natural woodland, and one of the best examples of native woodland habitat in the general area. The dominant tree species are, Hazel, and Birch with occasional Ash, Oak, Rowan, Grey Willow and Alder. Also evident is coppicing of hazel carried out many years ago.
The ground layer throughout contains a large and wide variety of species. The vegetation is dominated by greater woodrush, bracken, bramble, wood avens, wood sedge, ivy, briar, mosses and lichens. Also present is enchanters nightshade and herb Robert which is conspicuous along the trail corridor. Two noteworthy plant species are found growing within the site namely red campion (Silene dioica) and the lichen lungwort (Lobraria pulmonaria). These two species are relatively uncommon in County Mayo, and indicate the area is a long established native woodland of high ecological value.
Things to do
Walk: A 1.8 km loop walk with information signage along the route.
Multi access trail. A short trail to multi access standards..
Explore nature: Along the route you will see information signage on trees and plants of interest.
Don’t miss our hidden gem
Cenotaph dedicated in memory to Maria Browne O Donel, and on a clear day stunning view of Croagh Patrick mountain.