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Our Projects

Coillte Nature is building on 30 years’ experience in forestry, land management and habitat restoration to deliver real impact on the climate and biodiversity crises through innovative projects-of-scale. Our work spans four strategic themes: afforesting landscapes, restoring biodiversity, regenerating urban forests, and rehabilitating ecosystem services. Learn more about our current projects below.


Coillte is Ireland’s largest producer of roundwood, the raw material which our sawmill customers process into high quality timber. Sitka Spruce is our main commercial species and our annual production of 2.5 million cubic metres generates revenue of €120m.


Coillte’s four Nurseries produces 25 million bare rooted plants every year, most of which are used to renew our own forests. Our four nurseries are spread throughout the country and the 7 million plants not needed for our own planting and restocking are sold to other Irish forest companies, independent contractors, or companies and agencies.