Mullaghmeen Forest
This Mullaghmeen is an isolated area of forest rising above the farm land of north Westmeath. Mullaghmeen Forest is the largest planted beech forest in Ireland. Along with beech, within its 400 ha of forest it also has Sitka spruce, Scots pine and Noble fir and a very interesting native tree collection. This is well worth a stop on the Mullaghmeen Summit Trail / Red Trail. The summit of Mullaghmeen provides magnificent views north across Lough Sheelin and into the neighbouring county of Cavan.
The forest, once an out farm belonging to a Lord Gradwell, has many examples of the former impacts on the landscape. Following the White Trail one passes sad reminders of famine times with relic walls of famine fields. A Booley Hut, a summer grazing shelter is just off the Red Walk / Mullaghmeen Summit Trail, while the Flax Pits show that this important crop for the linen industry was once harvested and cured in this area.
The area has an extensive network of way marked trails for varying levels of fitness.
Things to do
Walk: Three looped walks and a multi access trail in a broadleaved forest setting.
Don’t miss our hidden gem
Explore the history of the site and climb to the summit on the blue trail to enjoy the magnificent views.