Coillte Celebrate Tree Day 2017

Coillte celebrated Tetra Pak Tree Day 2017 with a visit to Avondale forest park from Carysfort National School, Arklow County Wicklow.
Over 120 children enjoyed the fine weather on the day and were led on forest walks through the park by Coillte staff. The children learned all about the different types of trees that grow in Avondale forest park and a great day was had by all.
This year’s theme for Tetra Pak Tree Day is Our Planet, Our Choice or Ár bPláinéid, Ár Rogha and the campaign is all about the importance of natural resources like our trees.
More information on tree day can be found at the Tree Council of Ireland’s website
About Coillte
Coillte is a commercial forestry company, owned by the State, that manages approximately 7% of the country’s land. Coillte operate three strong business from this land – their core forestry business, a wood panels manufacturing business MEDITE SMARTPLY and a land solutions business. Coillte manage assets with a value of €1.5 billion and in the financial year 31 December 2016 it generated EBITDA of €98.3 million. Coillte’s vision is to be the best forestry and land solutions company in Europe. To find out more visit