The Dublin Mountains Makeover continues in Carrickgollogan and Barnaslingan
In Carrickgollogan, we are preparing for a major operation to clear an area of forest that was burnt and then blew down in the wind. Once the trees are removed, the area will be replanted with a mixture of native trees such as Scots pine, oak, birch, rowan and holly. We call this approach ‘R&R’– Remove the conifers and Replant with native woodland.
Starting in early May, we’ll carry out roadworks to improve forest tracks so that felling machines can access the site and timber lorries can remove the cut logs. Then later in the year, we’ll take out the windblown and burnt trees. Harvesting on sites like these is significantly more difficult and hazardous for the forest workers than a normal felling operation. The trees fall in all directions on top of each other, so a mix of machines and a chainsaw operator will be required. Clearing the trees in this kind of situation takes more time than normal, so please be patient while work is underway. Later in the year, we’ll return and plant the new forest.
Meanwhile in Barnaslingan, we are starting some roadworks to improve access to the forest so that we can start a thinning operation later in the year. Harvesting machines will be working to thin out the mature pine, fir, larch and beech as we manage this area under Continuous Cover Forestry principles. This will open up the forest canopy, allowing more light to reach the forest floor and new seedlings and plants to grow.
The trails in the area will remain open for most of the time however please follow safety signage and Coillte staff directing traffic.